The last 8 months have been rife with change.
The girl and I briefly reconnected before her false nature reasserted itself and we once again parted ways, this time for good (and good riddance).
My friend and his family returned ahead of schedule with almost no notice and I've been uprooted. I don't mind the transition but I now deeply regret ever having agreed to house-sit for them in the first place. I agreed because I foolishly thought I'd feel responsible for any escalation in their marital strife. Certain things were said prior to my agreeing that led me to believe they were heading for a very rough patch and perhaps even a split (and I now realize that the only person who would have been responsible for such would have been my friend). I'm left feeling ill-used. I think I'll keep my distance for a while.
My prospective roommate has all but disappeared. He's seeing a girl again who's monopolizing all his time. I liked her well enough until we tried to see a movie without her and she threw a bit of a tantrum (after giving him permission). Now I don't know. I don't see it working out in the long run but he doesn't want to be alone and doesn't know how to assert himself. We're still supposed to be moving out next month. We'll see.
Vegas girl recently proposed a backpacking trip to Europe with her and another friend sometime next May.
She also just asked if I wanted to move to Seattle with her next year.
I'm thinking about it.

Thursday, August 15, 2013
About Me

Name: R.S.
Height: 6'6"
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Green
Romantic Status: Limbo
Location: Hacienda Heights, CA
Hobbies: Writing; Fencing; Photography; Diving; Music; Intense discussions on the nature of Life, the Universe and Everything over coffee at 3am
Weaknesses: Coffee, old bookstores, and a pretty smile.
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Previous Posts
Webcomic Addictions:
These are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head...Ctrl+Alt+Del
Penny Arcade
Questionable Content
Real Life
Cyanide and Happiness
Something Positive
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Hijinks Ensue
Doghouse Diaries
A Softer World
You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi