and... nothing. Not a single response.
Bloody hell.
To say that I'm disappointed would be an understatement.
Nothing to do now but leave the state in shame. (j/k)
No, seriously though, Jess is looking to move and I need a roommate.
It'd be a new town with new places to explore. The Strip at night. Bryce Canyon, Zion, Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon, Red Rock; all less than 3 hours away. Could be absolutely fantastic for my photography.
Could rent a house there for cheaper than we could get a 2bdr hole in the wall here. We could have an art room/studio. OhmygodYES.
Paul is hung up on this (passive-aggressively controlling) girl and doesn't have his shit together. I don't know if he ever will at this point. He was supposed to have a job and be ready to move by August initially; now MAYBE sometime in October. His brother ran off with some of the family money so now Paul is giving all his money to them for mortgage and bill payments. I had to pay for Chipotle last night because he says he was flat broke.
I seriously worry about him being able to handle a budget and pay bills. It's not that I think he's irresponsible, I just don't think he understands all the costs that are going to be involved. For the entire time I've known him he's been used to being able to just say "hey, I want that, I can take my next $700 paycheck and blow it all to get that". Besides, I also don't want to have to change my lifestyle if she were to start coming over all the time and expect that we're going to change our plans because she doesn't like to do that (specifically in regards to hanging out and gaming).
I'll have to look more into jobs and housing and see if it's feasible. Draw up a plan and a budget. Maybe take a trip out there next week and look at places.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
About Me

Name: R.S.
Height: 6'6"
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Green
Romantic Status: Limbo
Location: Hacienda Heights, CA
Hobbies: Writing; Fencing; Photography; Diving; Music; Intense discussions on the nature of Life, the Universe and Everything over coffee at 3am
Weaknesses: Coffee, old bookstores, and a pretty smile.
Contact Me:
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Previous Posts
- I did it.
- An Unproductive Weekend
- Another day, another update. If I'm not careful t...
- The last 8 months have been rife with change. The...
- A New Year...
Webcomic Addictions:
These are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head...Ctrl+Alt+Del
Penny Arcade
Questionable Content
Real Life
Cyanide and Happiness
Something Positive
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Hijinks Ensue
Doghouse Diaries
A Softer World
You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi