I had planned on going out early this morning and spending a day on the bus. I have several things to return for cash, need to make a trip to the bank, post some things to e-bay, pay my phone bill, apply for yet more jobs. Instead I just woke up at 6pm. I went to bed at 2am yesterday morning.
What the hell is wrong with me? I'm worried that I'm sick. I hate that it feels like I have to take a running start at everything lately.

Monday, December 23, 2013
About Me

Name: R.S.
Height: 6'6"
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Green
Romantic Status: Limbo
Location: Hacienda Heights, CA
Hobbies: Writing; Fencing; Photography; Diving; Music; Intense discussions on the nature of Life, the Universe and Everything over coffee at 3am
Weaknesses: Coffee, old bookstores, and a pretty smile.
Contact Me:
- Facebook.com -
- DeviantArt.com -
- E-mail -
Previous Posts
- Ran across someone quoting an old XKCD comic onlin...
- It's taking me a long time to find my way back... ...
- Now that the decision is made, my life feels like ...
- and... nothing. Not a single response. Bloody h...
- I did it.
- An Unproductive Weekend
- Another day, another update. If I'm not careful t...
- The last 8 months have been rife with change. The...
- A New Year...
Webcomic Addictions:
These are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head...Ctrl+Alt+Del
Penny Arcade
Questionable Content
Real Life
Cyanide and Happiness
Something Positive
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Hijinks Ensue
Doghouse Diaries
A Softer World
You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi